02 Feb 2023

Using FREE Surveys To Generate New Business Ideas and Leads

Recently I sent a survey to a section of my list to generate new ideas for products and services to launch and the RESULTS were shocking!

Not only did I generate a list of HOT topics they were interested in but also managed to generate OVER 200+ submissions (hot leads) for a FREE strategy session that I gave away as a BONUS. This way I can communicate on a more personal level with the business owners and help them as much as possible.

I used www.SurveyMonkey.com to create the FREE survey (it does limit you to just 100 responses however, you can just create additional duplicated surveys) and then kept the survey short with just 7 questions some of which I have listed below along with the answers:

Question: Are you currently spending any money on marketing your business?
Yes: 66%
No: 34%

Question: Which top marketing methods do you currently Invest in?
– Social Media
– Seminars/Workshops
– Consulting
– Webinars
– Coaching
– Masterminds
– Membership Site

Question: What areas would you want to see covered in future emails and training?
– Joint Ventures
– Lead Generation
– Online Marketing
– Becoming a High Paid Business Consultant
– Becoming a High Paid Joint Venture Broker
– Social Media
– Local Business Marketing

Question: For a FREE strategy session with Sohail please enter your email below
– 202 submissions

So as you can see from some of the answers above using a free survey is a great way to not only generate cool ideas for your business but also leads without sounding too salesy. I suggest you go and sign-up for free to get started using surveys right away!

If you would like more tips and strategies to help you GROW your business grab a copy of my new book ‘Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures’ here OR submit your details here for a FREE ‘no obligation’ strategy session call to help identify the HIDDEN marketing assets in your existing business!


  • Ruth runs JV ATTRACTION
    December 3, 2014 Reply

    Great job Sohail and reminder to do for my JV community of authors and coaches.


    • Ice
      February 27, 2017 Reply

      Very true! Makes a change to see somoene spell it out like that. 🙂

  • Sohail Khan
    December 3, 2014 Reply

    Yes, as long as it’s a WIN-WIN for both you and your community!

  • Dan
    December 3, 2014 Reply

    Have just done a similar thing with two clients, and opening. Up two brand new channels for them.

    Great post!

    My only regret is not seeing this survey myself, as could not get a call booked in with your before your left these shores!


  • Sohail Khan
    December 4, 2014 Reply

    Hi Dan

    You can always go here: https://www.milliondollarpartnering.com/contact to book in a free call!

    – Sohail

  • Terry Leyden
    December 4, 2014 Reply

    I am trying to attract homeowners
    who are motivated to sell their houses quickly,
    due to various impending external circumstances.
    If you have any comments on how I can achieve max. effectiveness
    in bringing this market to my landing page to opt in,
    I appreciate any productive comments.

  • Sohail Khan
    December 4, 2014 Reply

    Hi Terry

    I suggest you also go here: https://www.milliondollarpartnering.com/contact to book in a free call so I can take a look at your existing marketing funell.

    – Sohail

  • Suzie Bates
    December 8, 2014 Reply

    Hi Sohail,

    Just finished reading your book [Guerrilla Marketing/JV’s]. Many thanks for sending it over, it was well worth a read! There are some great strategies and tips, and I particularly found the section re ‘how to write a good investment proposal’ very helpful as my business partner Lorraine and I are currently fine tuning our own JV strategy.
    I also co-run a property investor ‘customised leaflets’ company [www.smartpropertyleaflets.com] and as a way of saying thank you for the book I would be happy to create a free customised leaflet design (for any industry) for yourself with delivery included (for 5000 double-sided A5 flyers)

    Thank you again, and…To Your Success!

    Kind Regards

    Suzie Bates

  • Sohail Khan
    December 12, 2014 Reply

    Hi Suzie, sounds great! Please email me directly sohail@milliondollarpartnering.com



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